Moscow State University of Psychology and Education: master's and postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Clinical and Counseling Psychology
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education: specialty "Clinical Psychology"
Moscow University of Psychoanalysis: bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Clinical Psychology
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov: geoecologist (diploma in medical geography), translator from English
Two-year study program at the Faculty of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy of the Medical University of Vienna: transference-focused therapy in the treatment of borderline and narcissistic personality disorders
Congresses of European Society for the Study of Personality Disorders ESSPD (Antwerpen, Budapest)
Conferences on Transference Focused Therapy (New York, Austria)
European Society for the Treatment of Personality Disorders (ESSPD): participation in workshops
Medical University of Vienna: practical conference "Psychoanalytic couple and family psychotherapy"
Conference of the International Psychoanalytic Association (APA): "Psychoanalytic support in time of war" (England)
Seminar "Working with patients with fragile self" (Peru)
Scientific education
Practical education
Additional courses:
Counseling Psychology
An integrative model of psychotherapy in working with couples
Sexology and Sexopathology
Psychosomatic psychotherapy
Psychotherapy for severe diseases and oncology
Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
City Clinical Hospital No. 52, Department of Allergology
Clinical hospital N84, hospital and polyclinic
Scientific Center of Mental Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Department of Medical Psychology, Department for the Study of Endogenous Mental Disorders and Affective States
Moscow Regional Research Institute named after M. F. Vladimirsky, Department of Hematology
Narcological clinic of Dr. Vorobyov
23rd Congress of the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP) in Belgrade, paper "Body image boundary: factors of formation, types and manifestation in interpersonal relationship"
XII City Scientific and practical conference "Young scientists for metropolitan education", paper "Focuses of psychotherapeutic care for persons with impaired body image"
XI Moscow City and All-Russian Medical Conference "Outpatient and hospital psychotherapy and medical psychology", paper "Building a typology of the life worlds of patients suffering from psychosomatic disorders".
I Scientific and practical conference "Understanding therapy: tactics and strategy of managing a therapeutic case", paper "Possibilities of using methods of understanding therapy in counseling psychosomatic patients"
All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Interdisciplinary approach to mental disorders and their treatment: myth or reality", paper "Personal characteristics and internal picture of the disease as predictors of compliance patients suffering from HCV"
VI Russian Conference "The Future of clinical psychology - 2012", paper "Characteristics of compliance of patients suffering from HCV"
VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern psychology: theory and practice", paper: "Personal characteristics and features of the internal picture of the disease of patients suffering from HCV"
III International Conference "Human psychology in conditions of health and disease", papaer "Features of compliance of patients suffering from HCV"
VII International Scientific and practical Conference "The Future Clinical Psychology -2013", paper: "Types of disease response in patients suffering from HCV"
24th Congress of the European Community of Psychology Students EFPSA (Holland), paper: "Russian tradition of psychotherapy"
I have been working as a clinical psychologist and doing research since 2009
The boundary of the body image and the target of psychotherapeutic interventions in its violations // Consultative psychology and psychotherapy
Grant of the FSBI PI RAO, project No. 15-26-01007. The problems of empathy in the research of psychological aspects of professional medical activity (review) // Consultative psychology and psychotherapy. 2015. Volume 23. No. 2. pp. 9-36
Features of the boundaries of body image and interpersonal relationships (on the example of patients suffering from skin allergic diseases) // Psychologist. 2017. Volume N 3. pp. 1-15
A psychosomatic approach to the research of patients with skin allergic diseases (a review of the literature in connection with the tasks of psychotherapy) // Review of psychiatry and medical psychology named after V. M. Bekhterev. 2015. No. 2. pp. 67-74
Review of foreign studies on various aspects of psychodermatology (2010-2013) // Modern foreign Psychology. 2014. Volume. 3. No. 1. pp.58-71
The influence of personal characteristics on the attitude to the disease, the circumstances of infection and adherence to treatment of patients with chronic viral hepatitis C // Clinical prospects of gastroenterology, hepatology. 2015. No.1. pp.18-26. (Co-authors M.Y. Maksimova, S.N. Enikolopov, P.O. Bogomolov)
Personal characteristics and structure of the internal picture of the disease as predictors of compliance in patients suffering from chronic viral hepatitis C // Mental disorders in general medicine. 2014. No.4. pp. 31-38. (Co-authors M.Y. Maksimova, S.N. Enikolopov, P.O. Bogomolov)